For years, registered nutritionists and food scientists have explored the benefits of switching to a vegan or plant-based diet.
And people seem to be catching on to this diet trend.
Why? Well, the evidence is there: It's improving our overall health!
But being vegan, or even vegetarian, does not mean you have to give up all your favorite foods.
Vegan Alternatives for Your Favorite Foods (Including Cookies!)
Science and some amazing vegan cooks have discovered many ways to mimic favorites such as cheese, eggs, and baked goods.
With a few clever swaps of ingredients and a little bit of experimenting, you can still enjoy all the foods and treats you love.
Learn more about substitutes for vegan baking here.
Being able to enjoy a treat without eggs, milk, or gluten is indeed possible. Yeah!
Just like these super tasty vegan cookies!
Vegan & Gluten-Free Cookies
We all know that sneaky cookie jar, right? The one that stares at you, compels you and draws you closer.
The one that you cannot resist when passing it by. No matter how hard you try, your hand seems to reach for the jar by itself!
Well my friend, these vegan cookies will do exactly the same!
One of our favorite ranges are from Alternative Baking.
These vegan cookies are:
- Super soft and chewy
- Made with organic wheat flour
- Sweetened with fruit juice and organic unrefined cane sugar
- Kosher certified
- Made with sustainable palm oil
- Vegan
- Gluten-free (gluten-free range)
Not only are they vegan and gluten-free - they contain NO:
- Trans fats
- Hydrogenated oils
- Cholesterol
- Animal ingredients
- Artificial ingredients
- Refined sugar, and
- Soy.
Yet they taste like the real deal!
They really are perfect :-)
A few of our favorite flavors from the vegan range
Vegan & Gluten-Free Range
Bumpa's Chocolate Chip Cookies
This big gas station cookie is now also vegan!
Now you never have to give up your aftrenoon milk and cookies.
Simply pour yourself some almond milk and start dunkin those yummy vegan cookies. Sorted!