When Steve Jobs, the Co-Founder of Apple was askedwhat his kids thought about the iPhone,he said, “The kids don’t use it. We don’t allow it in the home.”
And before you think that was an atypical tech titan response, a school in the Bay Area of San Francisco is almost entirely tech-free. It’s called the Waldorf School of the Peninsula and it doesn’t allow iPhones, iPads, computers, etc. The school reported that 75 percentof the kids there have parents who are tech execs in Silicon Valley.
So, what is it about screens that some of the wealthiest innovators in the world don’t want their kids exposed to?
We are toldthat the original kingmaker of ancient Israel - Samuel - went to the house of Jesse to find the next King of Israel. As he arrived,he looked at seven handsome young men all of which appeared ready to be king.
“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” [1]
So, what was it about David’s life that was preparing him to lead better than his brothers? The details we know show us that he spent a great deal of time out in nature caring for animals and using his creativity to write and play music.
Speaking about character development, 19thcentury author and health evangelist Ellen White, who wrote a lot about best practices for raising children and educating them, say that the occupation most favorable to development is the care of plants and animals.[2]
White also posits the radical idea that “the only schoolroomfor children up to the age of around eight to ten years of age should be in the open air, surrounded by flowers and all that nature has to offer. Oh and that their only textbookshould be the treasures of nature.[3]My sweet mom followed this advice and the backyard and the woods were my classroom in my early childhood.
Caring for plants and animals and spending inordinate amounts of time in the outdoors sounds revolutionary in a world of gadgets. Why not just evolve with the times and trends and let tech be our teacher?
“I've worked with hundreds of heroin addicts and crystal meth addicts, and what I can say is that it's easier to treat a heroin addict than a true screen addict,” says Nicholas Kardaras, author of Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids.
Kardaras is one of the country’s top addiction experts. In his book, he details how compulsive technology usage and reliance on screens can neurologically damage the developing brain of a child the same way that drug addiction can. Through extensive research, clinical trials with diagnosed screen addicts, and experience treating a variety of other types of addicts, the author explores the alarming reality of how children could be “stunting their creative abilities” by constantly turning on and tuning in.[4]
If you’re a parent or prospective one, that last line should arrest your attention. Could screen time in those formative years be stunting the life potential of a child? The answer seems to be yes.
Why is creativity so important? A study fromOxford Universitypredicts47 percent of jobs are at risk of being replaced by automation in the next twenty years. We need to make sure our children have a competitive advantage or even fighting chance to survive and thrive in the coming years in the global workforce. If automation is threatening half of our jobs, what will be the skill that sets us apart? Mark Cuban, Americanentrepreneurand billionaire, seems to believe that “employers will soon be on the hunt for candidates who excel at creative and critical thinking.”[5]
Parenting in today’s world is no easy task. When the stresses of life are pressing in on all sides, it’s just so easy to hand a child a smartphone or tablet for example and let them babysit…err I mean entertain themselves. Take video games for example; do we know what is going on in that developing mind?
“With video games, however, the kid sits and plays for hours of adrenal-elevated fight-or-flight. Itis not a good thing. Research has shown that this latest generation of games significantly raises dopamine levels, the key neurotransmitter associated with our pleasure and reward pathways and the key neurotransmitter in addictiondynamics. One study showed that video games raise dopamine to the same degree that sex does, and almost as much as cocaine does. So, this combo of adrenaline and dopamine are a potent one-two punch with regards to addiction.”[6]
And we all know the scenario too well. We see a kid who is so addicted to screens or their games that they would rather enjoy their digital world than the real one. “The reason why this effect is more powerful on children than adults—although we all know of many adults who are screen-addicted—is that children still don't have a fully-developed frontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls executive functioning, decision-making, and impulse control.”[7]
Neuropsychologists today now understand that the frontal cortex is the filter and command center that determines how we view the world and how we determine right and wrong. It’s also the place where Emotional Intelligence is determined. Research has discovered that this part of the brain doesn't develop until our early 20s and that it may not have fully developed until our mid to late 20s.[8]
I find that interesting because,in ancient Israel, a man was not typically allowed to be a priest until the age of 30.
“Research shows that both drug use and excessive screen usage actuallystunts the frontal cortex and reduces the greymatter in that part of the brain. So hyper-arousing games create a double whammy. Not only are they addicting, but then addiction perpetuates itself by negatively impacting the part of the brain that can help with impulsivity and good decision making.”[9]
Often in the Hebrew scriptures, we find references to the frontal lobe. One of two forces is doing the influencing – Love or Selfishness. Good or Evil. Creativity or Conformity.
As we all put our hopes in the next generation to pass the baton of creativity to, let’s be as innovative as possible, even if that means we need to go back to the future.
[1]1 Sam. 16:7
[2](Education, p. 43).
[3](Christian Education, p. 8)
[6]“How Screen Addiction,” ibid.
[8]Arain M, Haque M, Johal L, et al. Maturation of the adolescent brain. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2013; 9:449-461. doi:10.2147/NDT.S39776.
[9]“How Screen Addiction,” ibid.