Country Life Natural Foods Update - May 2024

Country Life Natural Foods Update - May 2024


We are super excited to be launching a new product: our Vegan Ranch Seasoning!

It's something we've been working on developing here in house and it is so good.

We have a number of seasonings we've already been making here in house that we've launched over the past year and a half, from our BBQ seasoning, our Not-Chicken Seasoning, our Lemon Herb Seasoning, our classic Scramble Seasoning, and our Vegan Parmesan.

You can add the ranch seasoning to blended tofu to make a beautiful ranch dressing. Or you can use cashews as well, or your favorite vegan mayonnaise or vegan sour cream.

It is so good whether you're out at the ball game, you're inviting friends over or you just want a good dressing on your salads for the summer!

Also, right now, we have our eight week health challenge going on, and it's never too late to sign up.

If you want to join the program or our health challenge, just reach out and let us know. We'd be happy to get you enrolled because there are already exciting things happening!

Buy the vegan ranch seasoning here:

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